What's so special about running after 50?
You're defying the odds.
You're taking responsibility for your own health.
You're adding spirit to your life.
You're just plain smarter.
You bet there's something special about being a runner over 50.
How to Start to Run – Part 2 – The Mental Game
Larry July 21, 2017 6 Comments

The physical part of how to start to run is surprisingly easy. The real trick, the real nut to crack, usually turns out to be the nut between our ears. Our mind has been described, by those with more than…
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How to Start to Run – Part 1 – The Physical
Larry July 12, 2017 6 Comments

How Do You Start to Run? The idea of running appeals to you. It seems like a terrific idea. People do it and they appear to be having fun. But to actually start running – from sitting in front of…
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I’m over 40 and feel motivated to run by your log.
It’s concise and instructive to take charge of my health.
I have been lax for the past two weeks, and having difficulty to resume jogging… haha
So thank you for the encouragement.
Good for you Cheng. That’s the toughest part – just getting out the door!
All the best!
O yes so right.
I am a runner and over 40.
This has kept me young.
Some days are better than others, but the main feeling is awesome.
Thanks for the post.
Right Michelle, some days are better than others – but I find even the worst run always leaves you feeling better.
The main feeling is awesome!